Get the Justice You Deserve

Reach out to an employment law attorney in Los Angeles, CA

Big companies may feel protected by their brand, but you still deserve justice for your employer's wrongdoings. At The Law Office of Ellison & Associates, we're on a mission to achieve justice on behalf of clients like you. Through smart legal advice and savvy courtroom strategies, our employment law attorney can help you demonstrate how your employer wronged you. Trust us to take on your case in Los Angeles, CA.

Fight back against employer mistreatment

It might seem like you're at the mercy of your employer, but California law protects workers' rights. You should hire our employment law attorney if you've been:

Paid unfair wages
Discriminated against
Wrongfully terminated

When it comes to complex issues like wage disputes, our attorney is the right person to walk you through the legal process and provide sound guidance. Don't wait to seek justice for your mistreatment. Reach out to our wage dispute attorney for help today.

We'll Handle Your Case

Have you been injured as a result of another party's negligence? Did you lose a loved one in a workplace accident? The Law Office of Ellison & Associates can help you pursue settlement and litigation. Contact us if you've been affected by:

A car accident
A wrongful death
A motorcycle accident
Assault and battery

Ready for a free consultation? Simply fill out our online form to begin the process. We look forward to working with you!